Everybody Loves Pardes


Pardes , a non-denominational Jewish learning institution in Israel, has a new promotional video. These cheese factor is a bit high (“My favorite color is…Plum!”), but it’s a nice little teaser for what could be a life-changing experience. I happen to not be a Pardes girl, myself (Yeshivat Hadar all the way!) but many of my friends have spent time at Pardes, and it is uniformly praised by one and all.

Extra special bonus: this coming year you can learn for FREE. What’s better than FREE TORAH? A few select things, actually, but most of them are available right near Pardes, so I say go for it.


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Balaam the Prophet

The infamous story of the prophet with the talking donkey demonstrates the Bible's awareness that powers of divination were not limited to Israelite seers.
