Reminds Me of a Young J’eremy Moses


Move over Tracy Morgan. Your Werewolf Bar Mitzvah is growing old. It’s time for the man to move over and make room for his son. Well, not really his son. But his TV son.

Bobb’e J. Thompson, the child actor, who has played Tracy Morgan’s son on the Tracy Morgan Show and 30 Rock, is also starting a career as a kid rapper.

According to IMDB, Bobb’e J. was born in 1996, making him 13 today. And what’s a better way to celebrate your 13th birthday than to make a rap song/music video asking to have a bar mitzvah?

Best line: “I make $5 a week for taking out the trash. I want some of that religious ceremony cash.” I feel ya bro. I could easily use a second bar mitzvah.

Thanks to JTA for posting this. It’s awesome.


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