Israeli Response to Obama’s Cairo Speech


Thumbs up:

Yossi Sarid called it “the speech of our lives, the lives of all the damned in all the areas of disaster and death.” (Ha’aretz)

Orly Azoulay says that Obama’s proposal is one that the Israelis should not refuse, “while the Palestinians and Arab countries will justify their reputation for missing opportunities if they don’t rush to grab it.” (Ynet)

Attila Somfalvi believes that Netanyahu is stuck in a huge dilemma after Obama’s speech. (Ynet)

Thumbs down:

Efraim Zuroff found problems in Obama’s speech with “his linkage of the establishment of the State of Israel and the Holocaust.”

Mixed opinion:

David Horovitz believes that Obama “spoke harsh truths to the Muslim world in Cairo”, but failed to understand that “our rights in this land are not predicated solely, or even primarily, on the tragedies that have befallen us during our history in exile.” (Jerusalem Post)


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