Tav HaYosher is Hardcore


Tav HaYosher, the ethical kosher seal, featured currently only in New York, apparently isn’t for sissies. Just ask Mike’s Bistro.

Mike’s Bistro is a high-end kosher restaurant on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. They also opened up a pizza joint this year. Both had received an ethical seal when Tav HaYosher launched a couple months ago.

But this marriage of ethics wasn’t meant to be. In a blog post this week, Tav HaYosher announced that the two restaurants have lost their seal. In their post they write:

“We are committed to maintaining the integrity of our certification process and will continue to award the Tav to restaurants who meet Tav HaYosher certification guidelines.”

I’m going to try to dig a little deeper and maybe find out what happened. As of now, I’m giving the benefit of the doubt to Mike, assuming that this is a financial move. It’s expensive to be organic.

It’s a shame. Mike probably just bought all this double sided tape to put up the seal. What is he going to do with all that double sided tape? Who needs double sided tape?


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