Best of the Rest- Women’s Edition


There is a certain theme to the articles you might have missed this week. All of the articles that I’m going to be telling you about have to do with women and Judaism.

You might be wondering, “Wait a second. Don’t you only feature articles in this blog post that didn’t make it to the MyJewishLearning homepage?” And if that’s the case, how come there weren’t any articles on the homepage this week about women in Judaism?”

Oh no. I’ve said too much.

Here are some articles you might have missed. All of the articles come from the Jewish Women’s Archive:

Deborah Dash-Moore looks at the fascinating subject of the role women and young girls played in the suburbanization of America…with a Jewish twist.

Our article about Delilah is so great that there was a pop song about it.

And we got a 2 for 1 special for the weekend. If you read this article about one woman in the Babylonian Talmud, you get a second one free!

Shabbat Shalom!


Discover More

Women in Rabbinic Literature

The rabbis of the Talmud designated specific female roles and activities, and were wary of women's nature, but they also tempered biblical laws that caused hardships for women.

Ray Frank

"Latter-day Deborah" challenged the traditional role of Jewish women.

Parashat Bamidbar: When Women Are Invisible

How do we make sense of the census commanded in this Torah portion, which specifies only men be counted?
