Can a Holocaust Movie Be Offensive?


Oh dear, oh dear. While Perez Hilton is in the news because of his claims that he was assaulted by the manager of the Black Eyed Peas, after getting into an argument with Will. I. Am, his gossip site is reporting a pretty hilarious/offensive Britney Spears related story.

According to the blog post, Spears has reportedly signed on to be in a new Holocaust related film called, The Yellow Star of Sophia and Eton. Your initial thought might be, “Oh great. Finally, Britney is taking herself seriously and is going to be in a touching, Holocaust related film.”


Here is the description that Perez gives. The movie is about a woman who builds a time machine, travels back to WWII, where she is in a concentration camp. There, she meets a man who she falls in love with. They both travel BACK to present day, where they are eventually killed by Nazis. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.

Sadly, this isn’t the first offensive Holocaust related movie. Anyone remember Surf Nazis Must Die?


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