I’ll Be At Home Eating Worms


I’m getting very very close to the end of the 11 months of saying Kaddish for my mother, and I have mixed feelings about it. One thing I don’t have mixed feelings about, though, is finally being able to go out to concerts and plays. I moved to New York just after I entered avelut, and I feel like Broadway and blues clubs have been taunting me for months. So many cool things going on in the city, and I can’t take advantage of a huge chunk of them. It makes me feel like even more of a mope. Oh, you guys go to the concert–I’ll be at home feeling sorry for myself.

So yeah, this stage is almost done (August 29 is my mom’s yahrzeit) but sadly it won’t be over in time for me to go to the Cooloolosh concerts that are happening in the Northeast over the next couple of weeks. Israeli band Coolooloosh play a blend of hip-hop, funk, jazz, and rap. They’re awesome (or at least, so I hear) and I can’t go see them in any of the three shows they have in New York before the end of the month. They’re also going to be in Pennsylvania, Boston, and DC, so if you’re in this part of the country during the next month, check out their MySpace page and get your tickets. But keep it to yourself, okay? I’m already plenty bitter about missing it.


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