Big Matzah Ballin’


This is why New York scares me: We had the world’s largest matzah ball in our midst. It contained 1,000 eggs, 80 pounds of margarine, 20 pounds of chicken base and 200 pounds of matzah meal. And it was eaten on Thursday by a crowd in front of Noah’s Ark deli on the Lower East Side.

When dealing with matzah balls, one often asks about sinkers vs. floaters, but in this case, with the ball weighing in at 267 lbs., I think floating would be rather miraculous.

Oy. I usually love matzah balls, but this really grosses me out.


Discover More

Matzah Balls with a Twist

A tasty way to spruce up the classic matzah ball.

Fluffy, Soft Matzah Balls

Light, delicate, and perfect for Passover.

Healthy Matzah Balls

The no fat, no cholesterol, great flavor matzah balls.
