The Debate Rages On


Every year, after Labor Day, as summer comes to a close and the leaves start to change colors, a fight rages around North America. There are two camps and animosity can sometimes get out of control.

I’m referring, of course, to the debate over the High Holidays on the weekends. While we can’t control the Jewish calendar (if we did, I vote for more

and less Yom Kippur, but that’s just me), we can have opinions on whether or not we like weekend Jewish holidays. So lets take a look at both arguments:

Pro-Weekend Holiday: “I’m a freshman in college! I’m already feeling overwhelmed with the school work as is and now you’re telling me I have to miss seven days of school?! Are you kidding?” Or a similar argument “I have to use all my vacation days this year so I can go to synagogue? That’s just wrong God. That’s just wrong.”

Anti-Weekend Holiday: Ahem…NFL football. Unless you only want to start watching in Week 6. Also, bars in Murray Hill in NYC are going to go out of business.

I happen to fall on the Anti-Weekend side. For one, I never did homework. Second, I work for a Jewish organization, so I wouldn’t have missed work. Third, I just love Terry Bradshaw.

Which side do you fall on?


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