Westboro Baptist Church On Vacation


When I was a kid, when the Moses family went on vacation, we did fun, wholesome things. You know, like San Diego. That place seems perfectly respectable.

On the surface, going to Brooklyn and Long Island also doesn’t seem like such a terrible time. Sure, there might be a few too many bubbies for your liking, but all in all, it’ll probably be tolerable. Maybe that’s why the Westboro Baptist Church is going there this weekend.

Ehhh…maybe not. You know the Westboro Baptist Church. They are the people who protest American soldier’s funerals saying it is punishment for America supporting homosexuality. They have a horrible website, which I will not give the dignity of repeating on this blog (actually, by the way, if you do happen to know the URL, it is a surprisingly well done site. You can read the open letter to Jews while you’re there). And they will be protesting in front of a bunch of synagogues and day schools starting tomorrow.

Ignore them. Don’t counter-protest. They feed off of it.

But, please watch this BBC documentary about them. It will literally blow your mind. Here is Part 1.


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