The Week That Was


I can’t wait for the weekend! I have all these great things planned! I’m going to a movie on Sunday night and this great all you can eat buffet on Monday afternoon!..Wait? What? It’s what holiday? You’re kidding. Come on…This ruins all of my plans…

That’s right. Yom Kippur is on Sunday night. With that in mind, we have put together a list of things you can do for each of the 10 Days of Repentance. What’s that? You didn’t know about this list until right now? Uhh…I guess you can do 2-3 things. God will forgive you, hopefully.

Shabbat Shuvah. Aint nuthin’ funny about that.

In the running for one of our site’s more offbeat articles, writer Neal Pollack talks about his distaste for Yom Kippur, why he doesn’t fast, and why he doesn’t believe in sin. But going to Disneyland on Yom Kippur? Unheard of.

To be a kid again. Not as amazing as you’d think. But it does have it’s perks. For one, you don’t have to fast. But if you’re a parent, these tips can show you some ways to make Yom Kippur meaningful for your non-fasting kid.

Have an easy fast!


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Blintz Souffle

A traditional recipe for breaking the fast.

Yom Kippur, Fasting, and Disordered Eating

Refraining from food and drink can bring on triggering feelings for people who are recovering from eating disorders.

Nedarim 63

No wine till Passover.
