Tonight’s Gonna Be A Good Night


I feel very popular all of a sudden. For a guy who convinces himself that he watches a lot of television because it makes him smarter instead of having few friends, I’m pretty much booked this weekend.

If you’re not from the New York area, you should know that Simchat Torah is kind of a big deal here. I have a friend who is randomly in town for the weekend, who had no idea what he was stepping into. To paraphrase him, “In Newfoundland, it’s just a couple of old guys dancing for an hour.” He’s in for a bit of a shock.

Well, the world has converged on the Upper West Side for the weekend. I don’t remember the last time I rejected an invitation to a meal, but I’m just that popular. If it was my birthday this weekend, I wouldn’t have any need to have a Facebook wall because everyone I know could just wish me happy birthday in person.

The only thing I worry about is that in all the hoopla that is an Upper West Side Simchat Torah, is that the holiday sometimes gets lost. People are so focused on getting drunk (guilty as charged!) and seeing people from out of town, that sometimes, I included, forget the meaning behind the holiday.

So, if you’re on the Upper West Side tomorrow night, make sure you think about Torah and wish me happy birthday if you see me. Even if my birthday is in June.

Oh, and for the love of God, watch this.


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