Shiksa (Girlfriend)


I’m way behind the learning curve on this one. I guess that’s what happen when you turn 18 and stop learning about new music until enough people tweet about it. I mean, with lyrics like these:

Let’s spend the night entwined
Out on the boardwalk in sickly summertime
like the yin and the yang of the afikomen
You’re the omen
That all has changed that was deranged

— How can you not be instantly 14, and instantly bored in Hebrew School?

But the band Say Anything’s single “Shiksa (Girlfriend)” wins the prize for most randomly named song of the week. Even though I suspect it’s actually probably an inside joke about Maxim Bemis, the lead singer, and a fling/girlfriend/life partner or something along those lines, it’s still a cool title.

And, seriously — who among us hasn’t jumped up and down on his or her bed, rocking out to the thrill of forbidden love with a cheesy pop-punk soundtrack?


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