Fast for Rain


According to IsraelNN, the Chief Sephardic rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Shlomo Amar has called for a fast and prayer for rain on Thursday due to the ongoing drought in Israel.

I’m not Sephardic and I don’t live in Israel but I’m considering fasting because I’m a good faster, and because I like rain–in Israel and everywhere else. It gives me an excuse to post this video, for instance.

I’m not saying that the Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel endorses Step Up 2 the Streets. God, no. I’m just saying, if the fast is successful and it starts pouring in Tel Aviv, someone should definitely recreate this.


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Taanit 2

Welcome to Tractate Taanit.

Summary of Tractate Taanit

This talmudic tractate about fasting is packed with stories.

Taanit 23

Honi the Circle Drawer.
