Best of the Week


Last week, I mentioned that I was bothered by the amount of hits Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the USA” had on YouTube. So this is a bit of a follow up. Earlier this week, I was sitting on the subway, reading The New Yorker so women would think I’m smart, and I notice a lot of noise coming from behind me. And sitting right there is a man in this fifties, dressed nicely (with sunglasses though), dancing in his seat and tapping his foot to his music. What’s he listening to? “Party in the USA.”


This week, we featured our newest video from The Sway Machinery’s Jeremiah Lockwood explaining very eloquently what Jewish music is. The answer? Party in the USA.

I really do love all foods. Especially when they are processed. Second on the processed list for me is gefilte fish. Learn how to make your own. What’s number #1? Party in the USA.

Finally, if you’ve ever been on an organized trip to Israel, whether in High School or on Birthright, you’ve gone to a bedouin tent in the Negev. Learn all about the semi-nomadic Israeli citizens. It’ll be a Party in the USA.

That last reference was a bit far fetched.


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Best of the Week

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