The Newest Member of the JDL


Fine, it’s unfair to associate Ron Artest with Meir Kahane. But what else would you call his new hairdo? Obviously, he is a member of the Jewish Defense League!

In yet another sign that my man Ron-Ron, of the Los Angeles Lakers, is mentally unstable and quickly becoming the reincarnation of Dennis Rodman, the basketball star debuted one of the craziest hairdos the NBA has ever seen.

Known for his defensive prowess, Artest bleached his hair and wrote the word “defense” in big letters across his head in three different languages. And what language is displayed prominently in the front of his head? That’s right. Hebrew. It says “HAGANAH” is huge letters. I can only assume that Eliezer Ben-Yehuda would be none too pleased.

Maybe this is just a ploy on Ron-Ron’s part to intimidate Casspi when the Kings and Lakers hook up next week. Or maybe Ron-Ron is showing his support for the IDF.

Or maybe he is mentally unstable.

Ron-Ron! You didn’t have to do this! Everyone already knew you were insane. Remember your rap album? I certainly do.


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