Kids’ Music that Doesn’t Suck (Plus, Free MP3s from MJL)


As I’ve said before, being a professional Jew can mess with your head — when the rest of the world starts to realize that Purim is just around the corner, you’re already two weeks into writing and cutting Passover videos. And now, just as the weather’s starting to warm up, I’m thinking about Hanukkah 2010. So if I seem a little out-of-it all year ’round, that might be why.

It was also a great reminder of our free Hanukkah mp3s — and, specifically, Mista Cookie Jar‘s version of Hanukkah O Hanukkah. And — coincidentally, as we’re planning for this great new Jewish parenting site — Mista Jar just released the first video from his album, The Love Bubble:


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