Beyond Random


Have you ever looked back at an evening and gone, “That was the strangest night of all time!” I think that this past Saturday night qualifies as a strange evening for me.

I’ve just returned from the Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal. All of the comics and important folk were hanging out at their hotel bar on Saturday night, so I figured I’d go and shmooze with the big wigs. While there were few surprises as to who was there, I had to take a double take when I spotted the most random celebrity on the planet from across the room.

That’s right. The Shamwow Guy was there.

Who is the Shamwow Guy? If you don’t know the answer, then you don’t watch infomercials on Sunday morning.

Now when you see the craziest man on television, you make every effort you can to talk to him. Luckily for me, the Shamwow Guy was actually hanging out with a friend of mine. So, I walk up and begin talking to “Vince.” Like most of my conversations, one way or another, it always gets back to the fact that I’m Jewish. I guess I don’t hide it well, or I don’t have anything else to talk about.

So, when it came out that I was a Jew, Shamwow Guy’s eyes lit up and he said, “Hey man! ME TOO! Actually, I’m from Israel!”


The Shamwow Guy is Israeli. Not only that, but he went on to explain that his name isn’t actually “Vince Offer.” It’s actually Offer Shlomi.

Ladies and gentlemen, the most random moment of my life.


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