Best of the Week


As the week comes to a close, let’s take a look at some things you may have missed here at MJL.

With the High Holidays coming up quickly, we are holding a contest! Submit your best high holiday poetry, and you can win some great prizes.

Instead of running to the kosher bakery for your Shabbat dessert, try making your own babka cake.

While your kid might get all the glory, much of the planning of a bar/bat mitzvah falls onto the parents. This guide might be able to help you out.

Ever wonder what the most common words are in the siddur? Well wonder no more! Here is the definitive list.

Have a good weekend!


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Best of the Week

With the week coming to a close, let’s take a look at what you may have missed this week at ...

Best of the Week

What was better this week? Hanson coming out with a new music video or Justin Bieber performing on Saturday Night ...

Best of the Week

With Friday coming to an close, here’s a roundup of everything that went on at MJL this week.Even though Shavuot ...
