A Day of Jewish Learning


Here at MyJewishLearning.com, we like to say that every day is a Jewish learning day. Then again, we’re nerds.

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, along with his Aleph Society, is putting together a day of global Jewish learning — in which, across the world, thousands of different people in hundreds of different communities will study Jewish texts — not just nerds.

The Aleph Society people, and its documentarians, are involving communities all over the world, in such disparate places as Israel, Russia, and Djerba. The event will coincide with Rabbi Steinsaltz finishing his massive, multi-decade (!!) translation and commentary of the Talmud, the first of its kind. But it’s also just a cool idea in general. It’s kind of like the world’s biggest game of Telephone or Whisper Down the Lane…except that, here, the same text is whispering in all our ears.

The Day of Jewish Learning is November 7, 2010. You can find an event near you, or just visit the website.


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