Your Holocaust Jokes Aren’t Funny


Most people can’t get away with making Holocaust jokes. And when I say “most people” I include the Prime Minister of Italy. I hate to bring up the Holocaust in my response, but the last time a leader of a European country went public badmouthing Jews…it didn’t go well for the Jews. Or, ultimately, for the leader.

So, hey, Silvio Berlusconi, don’t quit your day job. Actually, maybe do. Also, stop with the non-funny Holocaust jokes.

According to the NY Times blog The Lede:

In the excerpt from the video embedded below [I can’t embed the video myself–you’ll have to follow the link to see it], the Italian leader can be heard telling a joke about a Jew who admits that “during the time of the death camps” he agreed to hide another Jew in his cellar but forced him to pay more than $4,000 a day because “we are Jews.” The joke’s punch line, such as it is, involves the man asking his family if he should finally admit to the man in his cellar that Hitler is dead and the war is over.


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