MyJewishLearning Named to Slingshot!


We’re excited to announce that has been named one of the nation’s 50 most innovative Jewish nonprofits in
Slingshot ’10-‘11,
a resource guide for Jewish innovation. Since 2005,
has become the definitive guide to identifying path-finding and trailblazing organizations grappling with concerns in Jewish life such as identity, community, and tradition. was chosen by a panel of 36 foundation professionals from across North America. This was’s second year in a row being featured in Slingshot.Slingshot

In order to be listed in Slingshot, organizations are selected from among hundreds of nominees across North America. Finalists are chosen based on their strength in four areas: innovation, impact, leadership, and organizational efficiency.

According to Will Schneider, the Director of Slingshot, “2010 was the most competitive year that Slingshot has experienced. Not only are there a greater number of applicants each year, but the extent and complexity of each applicant’s impact has increased. The feedback from the evaluators told us that the guide could easily have been filled with twice as many inspirational projects, so these 50 had to really shine to rise to the top.”

Mazal tov to us! (And thank you Slingshot!)


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