Of Course This is a Fetish


Continuing my trend of writing about think that I never thought about before and are somewhat shocking:  BUST  magazine has a great and strange interview with a professional dominatrix. I guess I’m a tad naïve about this stuff, but I wasn’t picturing the life of a dominatrix as being quite as, well–bat-shit insane, to be quite honest.

Anyway, the interview isn’t very long, and the second to last question is “Any other crazy stories?” I actually don’t feel comfortable posting the whole response here because it’s unbelievably graphic, but the part that’s interesting/relevant to Mixed Multitudes readers is this:

I also have a guy- who I actually just saw this afternoon- who is a Hasidic Jew whose fetish is being spat on and force-fed non kosher food. I get a lot of Hasids; I’d say 60% are into being peed on, and half of those don’t shower before they go home. I have a lot of stories about people who are sexually repressed by religion; those are the most outlandish fetishists.

Being force-fed non-kosher food is a fetish for a handful of observant Jews. This should not surprise me in the least, I guess, but something about it is still kind of shocking/funny/sad to me. I have nothing profound to say about it, other than that I think it’s interesting (and yes, I recognize that’s hardly profound).


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