What Black Jews Really Think of Black Jews


“Maybe Y-Love and Shyne could team up with Matisyahu and do a protest against crappy Jewish music.”

It’s been over a week since the New York Times profile on Shyne becoming an Orthodox Jew was published, and it’s still in the site’s Most-Emailed Articles section. Now Frum Satire has taken to the streets of Brooklyn to interview actual black Orthodox Jews to see whether they think Shyne’s devotion is legit. (Note: Actual black Orthodox Jews not included.) I don’t know if there are too many in-jokes in the video to post here, but it’s too damn funny not to.

Also, this video of Shyne in yeshiva has been around forever, but I think it hasn’t gotten circulated because it was just too surreal for words. But this video is Frum Satire at his best — doing little more than repeating the kooky and irrational things that Orthodox Jews say, and showing us just how kooky and irrational it is.


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