Get ‘Em While They’re…Hot?


With 2010 coming to an end, it’s time to go out and buy some new calendars for your fridge door. If you happen to live in the Ithaca, New York area, you should pop buy the Cornell University Hillel. There, you can get one of the more unique calendars of the year.

There have been “Nice Jewish Boy” calendars before. There have even been more sexually risque Jewish calendars before. But I think this one takes the cake.

For just $10, you can get yourself a “Nice Jewish Greek Boys of Cornell” calendar, featuring twelve of Cornell’s top Jewish frat boys.

It almost seems like this would be fake. But you just know that one Saturday night, a bunch of frat boys were sitting around together watching Harold & Kumar, and one guy was like, “Yo dudes, wouldn’t it be crazy if we made a calendar that we could sell to girls?” And, of course, everyone agreed. At no point in this conversation did any of them bring up the fact that few girls were interested in them in person, let alone on their fridge.

Nevertheless, this calendar is real and it is for sale.

I will not be buying one.

(H/T Lifecyclist)


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