Honi the Circle-Maker


It’s almost Tu Bishvat, the New Year of the Trees! Even though my friends in Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia are covered in snow right now and, from what I hear on Twitter, are having trouble remembering what trees look like.

To that end, G-dcast has adapted the Talmudic tale of Honi the Circle-Maker to remind us of why trees are so great. Here, check it out:

If you’re saying to yourself, “Honi the Circle-Maker!? They must have made him up” — well, they didn’t! Read about him here, here, and here. And if you’re saying to yourself, “G-dcast!? They must have made that up” — then obviously, you haven’t been reading Jewniverse lately. Subscribe for free right now, and discover a new amazing thing every day.


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