Best of the Week


Going on vacation for all of Passover (remember this holiday is dedicated to the Moses family) so find other things to do to fill in the time you wasted with me. Go ride a bike. Or build a fort. Just don’t let it involve leavened bread (like building a fort out of bread).

I just mailed in my taxes this morning (the government owes me approximately $100,000, so that will be a nice check). But Judaism has some thoughts about taxes too. Judaism seems to have thoughts about a lot of things.

Passover is in just a few days. Again, if you want–but don’t know how–to properly clean your kitchen for the holiday, here is everything you need to know.

My favorite part of the Passover seder has always been the section on the Four Children. I think a cool viral video would be a “Where Are They Now?” VH1 piece seeing the kids as adults. Someone make that.

Tuscan Spinach Soup! That sounds good, right!??!?

Finally, you might only be aware of the square variety, but there are actually four different types of matzah. I’m not going to tell you what they are though.


Have a good weekend and a Chag Sameach!


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