Jews: Still Rich


Are you a Reform Jew? Yes? Can I borrow $5,000? I only ask because a new study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life shows that:

Sixty-seven percent of Reform Jewish households made more than $75,000 a year at the time the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life collected the data, compared with only 31 percent of the population as a whole. Hindus were second, at 65 percent, and Conservative Jews were third, at 57 percent.

Full story

There’s also an infographic, but to be honest, I find it somewhat difficult to read.

The Times also has a succinct analysis of why Jews have so much dough:

Many factors are behind the discrepancies among religions, but one stands out. The relationship between education and income is so strong that you can almost draw a line through the points on this graph. Social science rarely produces results this clean.

Hm. Maybe I should go hit the books.


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