RIP Randy Savage


This is the saddest news I’ve heard in a long time. My favorite wrestler growing up, Macho Man Randy Savage, died this morning at the age of 58. Apparently, he had a heart attack while driving and crashed his car into a tree. I’m legitimately sad about this. Sadder than when I heard about Michael Jackson. If you were to go into my childhood bedroom today, you would see, placed squarely in the center of my bed a Macho Man “Wrestling Buddy.” I am not afraid to admit that I slept with that thing every night of my childhood.

I’m not going to go into more details about my love for Randy Savage because, after all, this is a Jewish blog. But doing some reading on the man this morning, I came across a pretty amazing discovery.

Randy Savage, born Randall Poffo, was Jewish!

I don’t know if he was practicing in the slightest or if he even considered himself to be a member of the Tribe, but according to this article, his mother, Judy, was Jewish–and it caused a bit of controversy when she married her Catholic husband.

From his mother: “At the reception,”all the Jewish people were on one side of the room, and all the Catholics were on the other, and his (her husband’s) mother said to him in Italian, ‘What have you done?’ “

Well Randy, you really will be missed.  I hope someone sits shiva for ya.


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