Get Swabbed


Recently Mayim Bialik posted for our friends at Kveller about a 2-year-old boy named Ezra who is desperately in need of a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately there are too many people, especially children, also in Ezra’s situation like 1-year-old Ayelet Galena.

Fortunately registering to be a bone marrow donor is super easy. It involves swiping the insides of your cheeks with a long-handled cotton swab and mailing it in an envelope. So easy you can do it yourself by registering here.

If you’re a match, donating is easy. Eighty percent of the time that you are a match for someone, you can donate stem cells from the blood in your arms, just like giving blood.

You can learn more at or from our friends at Gift of Life.


As Mayim wrote:

If I had the power to save a life, I would. I would do it in a heartbeat. And I hope God gives me that chance if that’s what I am here to do.”

“He who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the entire world.” -Talmud


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