Best of the Week


Oh yes, yes, yes. It’s June. Did you know that June is Spanish for “happiness”? Don’t look that up.

Shavuot is less than a week away. Make sure you clean up your kitchen and throw away all of your matzah.

Why do I love Shavuot so much? Because it involved cheesecake. Like, as much as you want.

Yeah, sure, blintzes are cool and everything. No doubt. But when you throw strawberries and rhubarb into the mix? Well, I can’t be held responsible for what happens next…

On Shavuot we read and study the Book of Ruth. Don’t ask me why. Click the link and you’ll know.

The mikveh is like skinny dipping except you aren’t drunk. Go and visit one sometime.

Finally, Kveller came out with some pretty hilarious videos about putting your kids to bed and getting them to eat. I was always taught not to eat right before you go to bed, so wait a couple hours between watching both videos.


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