Peaches in Australia


This is awesome: Aaron Feiglin, a farmer in rural Australia (and the son of one of the first Jewish settlers in Australia) still travels 3 hours outside of Melbourne every year to harvest and package his fruit. One of his grandchildren, Moish Feiglin — who’s also an awesome musician — accompanied him one year and made this video.

He’s also the subject of tomorrow’s Jewniverse. (And yes, this video is soundtracked with the Presidents of the USA’s song “Peaches,” but the Jewniverse has a much more homely and country-music-ified title — free peach to the person who guesses what it is!*) So, if you want to find out more information about the history of Jews in Australia, and why they love peaches so darn much — and why wouldn’t you? — then you’d better just subscribe really quickly.

* — If you’re close to the MJL office, and you’re not totally sketchy, I really will. Void after 11:00 AM EST on the day the Jewniverse comes out. Void if the grocery person on the corner doesn’t have peaches. Otherwise, we’re on.


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