Online Classes To Prepare for the High Holidays


We’re excited to announce that this year, to help you get ready for the High Holiday season, here at MJL we’re offering three live, interactive, online courses.

Holiday Basics

50 Ways to Use a Shofar: The Symbolism and Stories Behind the Ram’s Horn

Taught by Rabbi Avi Weinstein

In this class we’ll explore the multiple symbolic meanings of the shofar, from Maimonides’ understanding of the shofar as a “wake up call,” to the Hasidic masters who saw it as a pure sound that connects with Divine consciousness, to the midrashic stories that see the sound as replicating Sarah’s pain upon finding out that Isaac was to be sacrificed. Join us to study these interpretations and to share your own.
Sunday August 26th 8:30-9:30PM Eastern Time, $5

Register now


Preparing for the High Holidays

Forgiving and Being Forgiven

Taught by Rabbi Shai Held

As we attempt to wipe the slate clean for the coming new year, Jewish tradition asks us to apologize to those whom we have hurt; to forgive those who have hurt us; and, more surprisingly, to tell those whom have hurt us that they have hurt us, thereby enabling them to apologize. In this class we’ll examine how we can use the time leading up to the High Holidays to forgive, to ask for forgiveness, and to let go of the hurt we’ve been hanging onto.
Sunday September 9th 8:30-9:30PM Eastern Time, $5

Register Now


Text Study

“Everything Depends on Me”: A Tragic Tale of Repentance and Change (SOLD OUT)

Taught by Rabbi Shai Held

In this session, we’ll explore one of the most moving (and disturbing) narratives in Rabbinic literature, the story of Elazar Ben Durdea, a man imprisoned by sin and compulsion. Elazar knows he has to change but he just can’t find the courage to do it. The tragic tale of Elazar will teach us about sin, compulsion, personal responsibility, and the limits of repentance and personal change.

Sunday September 23rd 8:30-9:30PM Eastern Time,


After registering, you will receive an email with a link to the class page.

We look forward to learning with you!


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