I Am “Southern & Jewish”


My name is Ann Zivitz Kimball, and I’m a proud Southern Jew.

Since “Southern & Jewish” is the name of this blog, and also a good description of me, I thought for my first blog post here that I’d share a little of my own story and perspective on the whole “Southern & Jewish” phenomenon.

My Southern roots are in Alabama and Louisiana (though I now live in Mississippi). Both sides of my family are from Mobile, Alabama, where my paternal grandmother was one of 9 children born to Polish/Austrian immigrants, Anne and Isadore Prince. She married my merchant grandfather. My maternal grandmother, a second-generation American born in Memphis, Tennessee, married  my German immigrant grandfather who had settled in Alabama.  My parents, Harrel & Betty Zivitz, married young at the Springhill Avenue Temple in Mobile, had 3 girls, and moved to Metairie, Louisiana.

Maison Blanche, New Orleans (Historic Jewishly-owned department store)

I grew up in Metairie, a suburb of New Orleans.  The Jewish population of the city was largely concentrated in the Uptown and Lakeview areas, because that is where the synagogues were located.  In the suburbs, at that time, almost no one else was Jewish. But most of my parents’ closest friends were from Temple, and our families were often together, so I had Jewish friends.  By virtue of my mother, our family was very active at Temple and I ended up involved in youth group and URJ Henry S. Jacobs Camp (my home away from home).  Friday nights and Sunday mornings during the school year, my family made the “journey” to Temple Sinai in New Orleans.  It was only a 20–30 minute trek, but as a kid it seemed like forever.  During the week, my two younger sisters and I attended public school just like everyone else in our neighborhoods, other than the Catholic kids.  On average, there were only 2 to 4 other Jewish kids in my grade.

As a Southern & Jewish kid, I grew accustomed to answering questions about Judaism, and to having friends “pray for me,” but I very rarely encountered anything that I would call anti-Semitism.  The very few times I remember any incidents were pretty minor: kids repeating stuff they heard older folks saying, without any real understanding.  Ignorance, but not hatred.

As far as Jewish life in New Orleans, the city has maintained (pre- and post-Katrina) a thriving small/midsized community of about 10,000 Jews. There are 4 Reform, 1 Conservative, 2 Orthodox and 2 Chabad congregations, a small community day school, a large Jewish Community Center in New Orleans proper, and now a medium sized JCC in the suburbs – since, these days, there are more Jewish families living in the suburbs than when I was growing up.

The author in 1972 at Jacobs Camp, Utica, MS

I didn’t always think of New Orleans as “thriving,” though. I attended college at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas. I chose it for its dance program.  Upon arriving at my dorm, I was greeted by a cadre of girls from small towns in Texas – and for the vast majority of them, I was the first Jewish person they had ever met!

I then realized that New Orleans, a place I had always considered a fairly small Jewish community, is a thriving Jewish metropolis when compared to truly small Southern towns. Beaumont showed me what a small Jewish community really looks like, as I attended the local synagogue and discovered Reform, Conservative and Orthodox Jews sharing a building.

My work at the ISJL truly goes hand in hand with my personal Southern & Jewish background.  I “get it” when a rabbi tells me he is hoping to get a minyan for Shabbat, or a synagogue board member needs guidance on how to make a fundraiser work, or the volunteer spending hours of time promoting an event at Temple needs some extra support.  We Southern Jews need to stick together, and support one another – while also maintaining the active role we’ve always played in our larger community.

That’s the Southern & Jewish way.

What do you think? Are you “Southern & Jewish”? Please feel free to share comments and stories about your own experiences. Both identities are so rich, the conversations are always intriguing!



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