Don’t Touch that Dial! It’s a Round-Up of LGBT Jewish Election News


Election fever is heating up as we head into the final stretch of the 2012 election season. Here is a round-up of articles and resources on LGBT Jewish issues and political players. So enjoy – and vote on November 6th!

Maryland Marriage Equality sign. Image from Jews United for Justice.

Marriage Equality is up for a vote in four states this November: Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington. Marriage Equality USA has a great list of organizations and resources for religious people, including Jews, to connect with in order to support marriage equality. You can read sermons from rabbis and lay leaders in each of the four states that will be voting on our rights this November – Words of Torah from Maryland, Minnesota, Washington, and Maine.

(For a thorough examination of marriage equality issues this year, check out Naomi Goldberg’s post on the topic, The Year of Marriage Equality.)

•This short segment from The David Pakman Show, a political Internet series, explores Jewish support for marriage equality.
Watch it here:

•Haaretz published a profile of Fred Karger. Even Israelis were following the political minutiae here in America, including profiling a gay, Jewish Republican determined to get his unique view on electoral issues heard. •There’s a great piece in The Jewish Exponent covering Jewish delegates who attended the Democratic Convention. One interviewee, the publisher of Philadelphia Gay News, was proud to finally feel like his party was listening to him – with the inclusion of same-sex marriage as an official plank in the Democratic party platform

I’m Jewish, I’m gay, I’m a father, I’m a son, I’m an entrepreneur and I’m a Congressman from the great state of Colorado!” What a thrill to hear a representative of the government proudly proclaim himself Jewish and gay, in one of the most public venues possible.
You can watch Congressman Polis’s remarks at the Democratic National Convention here:

•Rabbi David Saperstein presents an argument that Judaism is a source of democratic thought in this thought-provoking piece in the Sh’ma Journal.



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