Hurricane Klal


NYC after Sandy. Photo: National Geographic

In the South, we’re pretty familiar with hurricanes. Katrina, Isaac, Camille … we’re used to pretty regular encounters with powerful and potentially devastating storms. All this week, all of us down here have been watching the images on-screen, scrolling through the Facebook posts, and frequently checking in with our friends and families up North.

If there’s one silver lining around the awful storm clouds of a monster like Hurricane Sandy, it’s always the tremendous sense of community and human decency that are unleashed by these disasters. It brings to mind the word klal – “community.”

There will never be a storm mightier than Hurricane Klal – the swirling, powerful, whirlwind of communal compassion.

If you’re looking for a way to join in the effort, to help and to support all of our fellow citizens impacted by Hurricane Sandy, here are some ways that you can get involved, near or far away from where this storm struck:

Wishing everyone a safe and peaceful Shabbat, all along the Eastern seaboard and all over the world. Be safe, be well, and shalom, y’all.




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