Fate or Free Will? (A D’var for the Road)


Each week at our staff meeting, one of the ISJL employees gives a brief “d’var,” sharing some thoughts about either the weekly Torah portion, or words of wisdom about an upcoming holiday, our time on the road, and so on. This week, Ann Zivitz Kimball is on the road with Dr. Ron Wolfson, sharing lots of words of wisdom with communities across the South – but before heading out of town, she wrote this “for-the-blog-d’var” with her musings on destiny vs. free will … which might also provide some good car conversations while she’s on the road with the Wolfsons. Enjoy! 

I believe with perfect faith that we are all created in the Divine image with a purpose, destiny, path and fate. On the other hand …

I believe with perfect faith that we are all created in the Divine image with complete and total free will. On the other hand (in her best Tevye voice) …

I believe with perfect faith that we are all created in the Divine image with a purpose, destiny, path and fate, and free will — AND I believe that when we use our free will and follow our hearts and minds, choosing unselfishness and compassion over ego and control, that we are much more likely to be present and aware in the moments that our lives intersect with Divine destiny.

What paves our way – fate, or free will?

Moses, by his own account, was a “stranger in a strange land”.  Through hap and circumstance, miracle and tragedy, he was just passing by a bush, like many others before him; what makes the story different is that he took the time to notice the bush was both on fire and also not being consumed by the fire.  From that moment on, he became the central figure in the Torah.  Or was it from the moment he was born, or even before his birth, in some pre-destined plan, that he became a great figure?  What if he had chosen to walk away as every instinct in his being cried out for him to do?  Did he have that option?

Joseph, another stranger in a strange land, was placed in a foreign land by God’s divine plan, as he clearly believes  … but was it a plan, or a series of random events? Either the events, or his destiny, led him to a pivotal moment of revelation to his brothers and saving not only the Israelites, but also the Egyptians – and becoming a hero!

Esther, a Jewish Queen of Persia, (undercover of course) found herself in just the right place, at just the right moment in time to save her people.  Was it only because Mordecai insisted she apply for the job, or would she have been there anyway through destiny?

It is in those special moments, the great ones recorded in history and the every day ones we experience in our own lives, when we elevate ourselves and others, that we exhibit ourselves in the Divine image and God is experienced as a verb.

Fate, or free will? Can it be both?

Have you ever had a moment (great or small) when you felt that your very presence in that place, at that time, or with that person changed an outcome for the better or saved a life?   Did it feel like pure chance … or destiny?


Discover More

Moses’ Fate

The leader of the Israelites is not allowed to enter the Promised Land.

Responding to the Free Will Problem in Judaism

Responses to Jewish Free Will Problem. Jewish Free Will. Jewish Choice and Determinism. Jewish Ideas and Beliefs.

The Free Will Problem: Early Solutions

Biblical and rabbinic sources stress both divine determinism and human freedom.
