Chanukah Gifts You’ll Feel Good Giving


Last week, I spent an incredible three days at a conference with lots of Jewish social justice professionals, activists and advocates. The timing of the event was perfect for Hanukkah … and here’s why!

Convened by the Jewish Social Justice Roundtable, at the conference I met lots of incredible people doing very inspiring work. Resources were shared and important conversations continued. Helping to make the world a better place is truly a gift, and while we were on the subject of gifts and only days from Hanukkah, I wanted to share one resource I learned about, the one that is just perfect for the holiday season: Fair Trade Judaica, gifts “crafted with Jewish values.”

Fair Trade Judaica has lots of incredible Jewish gifts, and the great thing is that they are all Fair Trade Products! From guilt-free gelt to hand-dipped candles, I was inspired and reminded that where we buy, matters. This holiday season, as we give gifts to our loved ones, a wonderful way to recall the literal meaning of the word Hanukkah, “dedication,” is to re-dedicate ourselves to all the ways in which we can further justice and make life better for all.

You can also find great gift ideas from (including Southern & Jewish items) and support all the learning, information, ideas, and resources you find here on this site. That’s a double-gift, as well—something for your loved ones, purchased in a way that supports something you appreciate year-round.

Where you spend your money matters. Each of us has an opportunity to make a difference with every purchase. Happy Hanukkah, y’all!


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