A Jewish Family Tree: The Genesis of The Elixir of Immortality

I left Stockholm in the fall of 1998 and moved to Oslo, for I had discovered the neighboring land’s greatest ...

The Pew Study: What the stats can and can’t teach us

It’s probably one of the first things that I learned from my time as a social science researcher – the ...

It Looks the Same

The Davis Academy 8th Grade Gibush Retreat (A Summer at URJ Camp Coleman)It looks the same. (It looks different.)Two quick ...

So Now What?

As a synagogue rabbi, I feel as if we have been running a religious marathon for the past month. since. ...

From Utica, NY to Utica, MS: How A Rabbi Spent His Summer Vacation

Today’s guest post comes from Rabbi Hank Bamberger of Utica, New York, who spent some time traveling in the South ...

Never Alone, Never Lonely

Books have always fascinated me, even from the very earliest days of my childhood. As the child of Jewish intellectuals ...

Parashat Noach: Apres le Deluge: Moi

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as  parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...

“How I Met Your Rabbi” – Or, “How I Met Your Mother/Father God”?

Today’s post is from Education Fellow Amanda Winer. “Kids, let me tell you the story of how I met your ...

Baruch Dayan Emet

Hoshana Rabbah is kind of a weird day – even for the Jewish calendar. It’s not really a holiday – ...

The Problem with Florida

Want some insights into a historian’s dilemma? It involves cultural identity. Geography. And NASCAR. (Well – sort of.)The Encyclopedia of ...
