Queer Rabbis in Action: Rabbi Denise Eger

“Integrating all of the disparate parts” Welcome to our fourth installment of “Queer Clergy in Action,” spotlighting lesbian, gay, bisexual, ...

Let’s Get Real About Marriage and Parenting

“Being a diplomat is no career for a woman who wants to have a family,” said the consul.“By the time ...

“It Was Meant To Be,” and Other Theologically Complex Statements

I recently returned from an amazing trip to Senegal.  I was there to visit my step-daughter who is serving in ...

Fate or Free Will? (A D’var for the Road)

Each week at our staff meeting, one of the ISJL employees gives a brief “d’var,” sharing some thoughts about either ...

Higher Education: A Revelation and a Jewish Perspective

I know Jewish doctors and lawyers who are sending their children to state universities and tell me they are ‘great’ ...

Driving Lesson

The light turned green. But the cars ahead of me stayed still. Perfectly still. The light turned yellow. And then ...

If You Could Only Save One Person…

“Because I am a Jew,” one person said. I had asked the participants of a class to tell me why ...

From Stanislawow to Beach Music

My parents left the United States in 1973 to retire in Bat Yam, Israel, the country in which they met ...

Parashat Vaera: Into Life

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...

Living the Legacy: Shabbat Suppers Continuing MLK’s Dream

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is two weeks from today – Monday, January 21, 2013. This year, consider celebrating Dr. ...
