Shalom Y’all, Baby!


There are two words powerfully associated with the Southern Jewish experience:
Shalom Y’all.

In just two little words, so much is conveyed. A greeting of peace, a connection with the Jewish people, an instantly-recognizable Southernism, a welcoming, a phrase that is naturally plural and inclusive.

It’s hard to think of any other two words that, when paired together, express so much with so little.

It’s also hard to picture anything cuter than this baby in a Shalom Y’all baby onesie.

This is the niece of Rabbi Marshal Klaven and artist Christina Mattison Klaven. Their adorable niece lives in London, England– obviously, the Shalom Y’all message is spread far and wide!

Here’s to everything our favorite phrase so quickly conveys!
Shalom, Y’all!


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