Delightful New Videos for All Your Jewish Lifecycle Needs


We are tickled to announce that our friends at G-dcast have just released a series of adorable new animated shorts all about Jewish lifecycle events, from weddings to baby namings to funerals. You’ll find them all around our site, starting right here on this page. We hope you enjoy these as much as we do!

1. Why We Break the Glass at Jewish Weddings:

2. What is a Huppah All About?

3. All about the Ketubah, the Jewish Marriage Contract:

4. How to Dance a Hora:

5. Read about the Gomel, the blessing for new moms:

6. How to help a friend in mourning:

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Discover More

New Jewish Lifecycle Rituals

New Jewish rituals give meaning to formerly private moments and integrate the ritual-maker into the Jewish community.

The Ketubah: Evolutions in the Jewish Marriage Contract

Once a protection for women, the traditional ketubah has been critiqued by liberal Jews on several grounds.

Giving Birth

Women have been creating new rituals that use traditional images and texts to reflect their experiences of childbirth.
