

Shabbat 101

A weekly observance, the Sabbath is more than just a day off from labor.


Shabbat Liturgy

A guide to Shabbat services and what makes them unique.


Lighting Shabbat Candles

Everything you need to know about kindling the Sabbath lights.


Shabbat Blessings for Friday Night

Lighting the candles, saying Kiddush and other Shabbat dinner rituals.

How to Braid Challah for Shabbat, Holidays or Anytime

Our how-to video will help you conquer the art of braiding challah for any occasion.

How To Read Eshet Hayil

Explaining this ancient song about a 'woman of valor'

Hamotzi: The Blessing Over Bread

Explanation of this blessing, full text and video tutorial.

Siddur Contents: Shabbat & Holiday Liturgy

A guide to the prayerbook and the standard service.

Highlights of the Shabbat Morning Synagogue Service

The major parts of the Saturday morning service.

Shabbat’s Work Prohibition

Traditional do's and don'ts for the Jewish day of rest.

What Is the Kiddush?

Sanctifying Sabbath and holidays with special blessings over wine.

Shabbat and Meditation: Just Be It

How mindfulness can deepen your Shabbat experience — and vice versa

Havdalah: Taking Leave of Shabbat

We say goodbye to the Sabbath in a bittersweet ceremony that employs wine, fragrance, and candlelight.

Ask the Expert: Is Sex Permitted on Shabbat?

Sex isn't only permitted on Shabbat — it's encouraged.

Drop Everything and Read

The hidden connection between Shabbat and reading.
