Looking for a Rabbi? Try RabbiCareers.com


RabbiCareers.com launched this month making it easier for a congregation, organization, or individual to find a rabbi for their needs. An easy to use job clearing house platform, RabbiCareers.com allows any community or individual to post a rabbinic position and reach a wide variety of rabbis.

The need for RabbiCareers.com has become increasingly clear over the past couple of years. There has been a rise in the number of congregations unaffiliated with any Jewish denomination, these communities do not have access to the denominational rabbinic placement process and have a hard time finding rabbis. As the director of Rabbis Without Borders, a nationally known rabbinic network, I have received numerous calls from these communities asking for help to find them a rabbi. Since one of the goals of Rabbis Without Borders is to serve anyone anywhere, I wanted to create a better process for helping these communities find the rabbis they need. RabbiCareers.com will help these communities spread the word about their positions.

In addition, almost fifty percent of the rabbinate is now employed in “non-pulpit” positions. The role the rabbi can play in modern life is expanding, growing beyond the traditional idea of rabbis only supporting congregations. We can help build a bridge between a rabbi looking for a non-traditional job and an employer who is looking for a strong candidate. Rabbis often have a unique skill set that can be useful in many organizations. RabbiCareers.com will host every kind of job posting from pulpit positions to nonprofit jobs, chaplaincy, and Hillel positions, anything that a rabbi would be a good fit for.

Easy to use, RabbiCareers.com is taking the task of finding a rabbi and updating it for the digital age. The site is also a reflection on the changing trends of American religious life of decreasing denominational affiliation and increasing individual searches for spiritual leaders.

RabbiCareers.com is hosted by Clal’s Rabbis Without Borders. Clal is a Jewish think tank, resource center, and leadership training organization. Rabbis Without Borders (RWB), is a network of over 200 rabbis representing all the denominations in Judaism who are united in their values of pluralism, innovation and service to all.

RabbiCareers.com flows from Rabbis Without Border’s commitment to serve anyone anywhere, making Jewish wisdom accessible and meaningful to all.


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