Photo, art credit, and copyright: Chelsea Scudder. Visit HappyChalladays for more cards.

Holiday Resources for LGBTQ, Interfaith Families

Navigating December as an interfaith family can be both challenging and rewarding.


For interfaith families and couples — particularly those who are Jewish and Christian — the month of December can be complex. With opportunities to focus on different traditions and rituals, holidays can shine light on what makes being in an interfaith relationship challenging and rewarding.


Discover More

The December Dilemma

Whether you ignore Christmas altogether or celebrate it with non-Jewish friends or family, the holiday provokes a lot of emotions.

Why I’m Not Afraid of Natalie Portman’s Christmas Tree

Jewish actress Natalie Portman announced to Jimmy Fallon that she is going to have a Christmas tree for the first ...

A Rabbi’s Christmas Message

With the flurry of discussion about how Jewish and interfaith families are handling the confluence of Hanukkah and Christmas this ...
