Resources for Trans Day of Visibility


Tuesday, March 31st, is Transgender Day of Visibility. It has been celebrated every year since 2009, and it is a great chance to lift up and celebrate the incredible transgender people in our communities as well as draw attention to laws and discrimination that transgender people still face.

Below, we have some great resources (from us, and from other organizations we love!) Check them out to get your Transgender Day of Visibility off to a good start.

Celebrating Trans Identities at Keshet:
 An Online Discussion for Transgender Day of Visibility

March 31, 2020, at 1 p.m. EST

Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) is a time to celebrate the transgender people in our communities. For TDOV, get to know and hear from Dr. Joy Ladin, a member of Keshet’s Board of Directors, and several Keshet staff members, including Rabbi Micah Buck-Yael, River McMican, Essie Shachar-Hill, Kaden Mohamed, and Dubbs Weinblatt.

Registration is free. Please register in advance to receive a confirmation email with information about joining the discussion via Zoom. Register at


Have you ever wanted to know more about gender-neutral pronouns? Check out our resources on the whats, whys, and hows of pronouns!

Gender fluidity has been a part of the Jewish tradition for a long, long, LONG time. Want to learn more? We have a resource for that!

What is Trans Day of Visibility? This is a day dedicated to celebrating the lives, accomplishments, and thriving of transgender people in our communities. To learn more, see the official theme of this year’s TDOV is #transthriving.

They also have a great series of graphics including one on “why trans people need more visibility” and a list of “10 things to do to celebrate TDOV.”

Looking for LGBTQ-themed books for your children? Check out Keshet’s Book List.


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