Parashat Tazria-Metzora


Parashat Tazria-Metzora: Healing From the Mysterious and Incomprehensible

The biblical practice of tzaarat offers insights into the grieving process.

Parashat Tazria-Metzora: Illness, Isolation and Lessons Learned

These two Torah portions describe in hyper-focused detail a spectrum of infections and the spiritual methods of remedying them.

A Modern State of Impurity

The Torah's discussion of the obscure condition called tzara'at tells us something profound about the human condition.

The Toothpaste Sacrifice

Like toothpaste, derogatory speech cannot be returned to the tube.

Where Childbirth Gets Short Shrift

Why is birth nestled between dietary restrictions and skin diseases?

How to Use Your Most Powerful Weapon

We are defined by how we use our tongues and by the words that leave our lips each day.

The Power of Words

While we might not break into boils when we gossip or spread rumors, it certainly can make us ugly on the inside.

Attitude Shows What Is Happening Inside

Metzora: A resource for families.

Reappropriating the Taboo

Bringing new meaning to the status of a menstruating woman.
