Parashat Tzav
Parashat Tzav: The Virtues of Thanksgiving
If you have had a loved one who died while in hospice care, you may have received the same little ...
Parashat Tzav: Bread in Abundance
Why does the Torah require that a gratitude offering be accompanied by loads of bread?
Constantly Feeding Our Internal Spark
Our books, texts, and traditions bring new meaning to us at different stages of our life.
Humilty vs. Insecurity
There's a perpetual tension between fostering a strong sense of self in our children and ensuring that they don't become self-centered and egotistical.
Feeling Grateful
Tzav: A resource for parents.
Transparent Leadership
The metamorphosis of Aaron and his sons into priests was a process wholly transparent to the nation.
Parashat Tzav Quiz
Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.