The 10 Best Yiddish Words You’ve Never Heard Of

These Yiddish terms aren't widely known, but they're a lot of fun to use.


Shlep, tuches and oy vey are just a few of the many Yiddish words that have been incorporated into everyday American speech…so much so that their Yiddish flavor has faded a bit. Liven up your vocabulary with these 10 less familiar Yiddish terms. Fil shpass! (Have fun!)


Dreml (DREH-ml): Nap (noun)

Sample Sentence: “Classes today have worn me out — I need to cop a dreml before I do any homework.”

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Unterzakhn. (OON-ter-zakhn) Literally “under-things,” unterzakhn refers to undergarments. Unterzakhn is also the title of a graphic novel by Leela Corman.

“Pull up your britches; your unterzakhn are showing!”


Kashe-Bulbe (KAH-sheh BOOL-beh): Want to expand your culinary Yiddish beyond

and ? Kashe-Bulbe means mashed potatoes, and is more fun to say than its English equivalent.

“My mom must put a pound of butter in her kashe-bulbe, but it’s so good I don’t care!”


Malokhe (mah-LOH-kheh): This is a word borrowed from Hebrew, and it means work.

“Just one more hour of this malokhe and I get to head home!”

 ניט אזוי איי-איי-איי

Nit azoy ay-ay-ay (NEET ah-ZOY aye-aye-aye; the “ay” should be pronounced like the pronoun “I”): This phrase means ‘”not that great.”

“The band usually puts on a great performance, but last night’s show was nit azoy ay-ay-ay.”


Ringlheft (RIN-gul-heft) This is hands-down my favorite word in Yiddish. It refers to a three-ring binder and is definitely an attention-grabber.

“I often find myself wishing I still had my old Trapper Keeper ringlheft.”

 ווערען זאל פון דיר א בלינצע

Veren zol fun dir a blintsa (VEHR-en zol fun DEER ah BLIN-tseh): Yelling this at someone who cuts you off is more entertaining than using more off-color language since you’re telling the offender that they should turn into a blintz!

It’s already a sentence; use it when your buttons have been pushed too far. Make sure to put some attitude behind it! (Some self-righteous fist-shaking, perhaps?)


Zissele (ZISS-uh-leh) Use this term of endearment instead of the blander ‘”sweetie,” “sugar” or similar English words.

“Would you like the last cheese blintz, Zissele?”


Shtub-mensch (SHTOOB-mensh, with the “oo” pronounced as in “book”): The literal translation of shtub-mensch is room- or house-person, but is used to mean roommate. English already uses “mensch” to describe a good, decent person., so why not give it an upgrade?

“Even though he’s kind of cheap, my shtub-mensch is a real mensch.”


Shushkeh (SHOOSH-keh, with the “oo” pronounced as in “book”): This Yiddish word for “whisper” literally sounds like what it means.

“The museum was so quiet, you could easily hear the slightest shushkeh from two rooms away.”



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