We Will Hear and We Will Profit: The Mitzvah of Inclusion


What can “na’aseh v’nishma” (we will do and we will hear) teach us about inclusion? Reflecting on his work, first as a counselor, and then director of the Tikvah Program for kids with disability at Camp Ramah, Howard Blas argues that inclusion is not just a mitzvah, it’s good business sense. By first “doing” through inclusion, Blas asserts, we better understand the unexpected ways people with disabilities enrich our lives and businesses in unexpected ways.

Howard Blas is the director of the Tikvah program at Camp Ramah in New England and a consultant on disabilities camping programs to the National Ramah Commission. He is a 2013 recipient of the Covenant Award for Excellence in Jewish Education. He lives in New York City with his wife and four children.

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